Posted by Babak Rezwani

    Read about the below-mentioned benefits of a wall-to-wall carpet. How different types of carpet materials enhance the look of your house and serve to good use.

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  • Your guide to rug pads!!

    Posted by Babak Rezwani

    Please read about the meaning of rug pads and how the right rug pad must be chosen for your house. Also, pour some light on the key benefits of installing a thick rug pad to go hand in hand with your classic living room rugs.

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  • All you need to know about traditional rugs

    Posted by Babak Rezwani

    Undeniably, traditional carpets can add elegance and beauty to the room. The decision to buy the most delicate rug is essential as it requires a good investment; further, you have to live with it for quite a long time. If your preference is traditional, choosing the one that matches the room's interiors is essential. Selecting the right rug is vital for decoration purposes. You have to find the one you adore and love, plus create an aura that you desire. There are plenty of things to be considered while adding a rug that matches the traditional decor style.

    Factors to be considered while adding a traditional rug:

    • Versatility:
    • A traditional rug can be added to any room design. Besides its elegance, an area rug works great to control the noise and limit echo in a larger area. Rugs elevate the look by adding depth and texture to the floors.

    • A unifying medium:
    • Rugs act as a medium to unify the decor of the house. This is particularly valid when the colour doesn't seem to match; then, a traditional rug can be a piece unifying the colours and decors of the room to make it look stylish and neat at the same time.

    • Perfect for covering the space:
    • Adding a rug to a larger space makes it cozier by bringing down the scale of the vast area, while on the other hand, it makes a smaller room look more prominent. A large-size rug accomplished with massive grand designs tends to make a room look larger.

    • Offering an easy way for transformation:
    • If you feel bored and want a change and transformation in the room, adding an area rug will transform the room's feeling and add a fresh vibe.

    Top 3 traditional rugs at Babak's Oriental Carpets:

    Tabriz: Tabriz rug originated from Tabriz, capital of Azarbaijan Province, falls in Persian carpets. Tabriz designs usually have a central medallion which is surrounded by arabesques, floral & garden-inspired patterns. The most popular Tabriz design is Tabriz Mahi, based on a famous Persian garden, divided into four sections by a stream.

    Kashan :Kashans are hand knotted on vertical looms using cotton warps and wefts and good quality wool pile that is closely cropped. The pile often has a silky feel to it and is of very high quality. Kashans are among the finest carpets produced today, but the standard of individual items varies rather more than it does with Isfahans and it is important to assess each item on its own merits. They may be woven on either cotton or silk foundations, with between 200 to 400 Persian knots per square inch (pure silk items may have 600 or more).

    The reputation of carpets made in the central Persian city of Kashan was so high that, according to Persian folklore, it was considered a compliment to say that a person came from Kashan, for this implied that they possessed quality and style. After the Court period which culminated with the reign of Shah Abbas, carpet making in Kashan was interrupted for more than two centuries between the Afghan invasion in 1722 and the end of the nineteenth century. It was only during the last quarter of the nineteenth century that some textile mill owners, finding themselves in difficulties because of competition with imported textiles, decided to try launching the carpet-making trade again.

    The first examples woven after this renewed beginning of trade are noticeable for the magnificent quality of the wool, which makes the carpets extremely velvety. It would appear that these examples were made with wool imported from Australia and which was used for making very highly priced materials. These carpets are known as Kashan Motashemi, probably from the name of one of the first craftsmen. In a few years, because of the very high quality of the wool, the very fine weaving and the beautiful colours and designs, Kashans came to be classified among the finest of the Persian carpets. Contemporary production has also kept up a high level and has maintained the world prestige of these carpets.

    Kashans are easily recognizable by their design. The field is almost always decorated by a central medallion, which terminates at the upper and lower ends in flowering coronets. The rest of the field is closely decorated with flowers and vine tendrils. In the four quarters a richly decorated band outlines a motif, which recalls the designs and colours of the central medallion. Kashans without a medallion are much rarer. These have a floral design accompanied by a decoration including animals such as the giraffe and peacock. The border is made up of two or four guards flanking the central one, which is always decorated with a herati border motif (a diamond-shaped band with floral heads both inside and surrounding), while the guards have the usual decoration of rosettes and a garland. Another common type of Kashan is that with figural decoration - story carpets - which are almost always in silk.

    The usual background colors for Kashan carpets are rich red and dark blue. Very often the carpets with a dark blue background have medallion and border in red, and vice versa. Ivory, yellow, ochre, burnt orange and occasionally green are also employed in Kashans. A recent kind of Kashan, the pange-rangh (five colours) is, as its name implies, knotted entirely in wools dyed in five colours. The background is generally ivory and the other colours are various shades of beige, gray and light blue. The pange-rangh also has a new decoration, which consists of a geometric interpretation of the classic motifs of this area. With their soft bluish grays, these pange-rangh Kashans were specifically designed for the Western market.

    Sarough: Sarough rugs are made in the Markazi province in northwestern Iran, woven in the village of Saruk and the city of Arak as well as the surrounding countryside. Saroughs are hand knotted on a vertical loom using warp and weft in cotton. The weft consists of two or sometimes three threads. In carpets made before 1915, the weft is pushed down hard against the knots, which made the carpets especially compact. The pile is of very good quality wool and is cut short. However, more recent pieces seem to have deeper piles. The Persian knot is used with a density of 160 to 400 knots per square inch.

    Saroughs may be divided into two categories: carpets with traditional designs and those intended for export, particularly to the United States. The traditional designs consist, for the most part, of the central medallion pattern. The pattern is similar to those used in Kashans, but the different interpretations by different craftsmen give the carpets a special imprint. Although they have floral patterns, this is executed in an angular fashion, resulting in an incomparable fusion of floral and geometric styles. Old and antique Saroughs employ a central medallion as well as frequent use of the boteh motif, which is a stylized leaf-like floral symbol, similar to the Paisley pattern.

    In contrast, the American Sarough (or Lilian) design features large blossoming floral sprays radiating outwards from a central, medallion-like, floral form. It is so named because it was adapted for the American market from a design originating in the village of Lilian; the true Lilian design has a spidery central medallion which American Saroughs do not. American Saroughs use either rich rosy reds with blues and paler rose outlining the motifs, or, less frequently, bright pastel shades (usually pale blues, turquoise or lemon yellow), used to create the same strong contrasts between motifs and field as in American Kermans.

    In all Saroughs the border is simple, almost always consisting of two guards framing a wider central band, which is often decorated with heratis while the former is often of traditional rosettes and wavy line collections. The color scheme is often a bright orange-red in the field, which is softened by ivory, dark blue, red-brown and dull green. Various shades of turquoise are common in the decorative motifs.

    Babak's Oriental Carpets specializes in Persian, Oriental, and Antique Carpets. All the rugs found at Babak’s Oriental Carpets are washable and easy to maintain. Give your room a complete elegant transformation by purchasing from our wide variety of carpets and rugs. We are the rug store in Victoria for delivering quality products at a reasonable price. Shop now @https://www.babaksorientalcarpets.com/pages/oriental-carpets

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  • Choosing the right carpet

    Posted by Babak Rezwani

    Whoever plans to buy a carpet or a rug goes through a lot of consideration and thinking for choosing the right one. Surrounding decor, the room in which it is to be installed, the purpose of that room, and the size and shape of that room are the factors to consider when buying a rug. But what if you are planning to buy a carpet that is not for your home space. Numerous factors are to be considered while planning to buy a rug for business purposes. Let us make you aware of the differences between a carpet for business and a carpet for home space.

    Rug for home office:

    It's been a while since our homes converted into offices, and it seems like work from home will continue to stay. Since work from home has become an integral part of our lives, many of us want a home office that exhibits creativity and productivity hidden inside us.

    The easiest way to find a carpet for home space is to choose it by your heart. Go for the one you truly adore and love as you have to see it every day. It must add warmth and sophistication to your home. There is less foot traffic in the house; that's why you do not need to consider factors like durability. As home carpets drive less traffic, the rugs will surely last longer than usual. Handwoven rug are perfect for a home setting and inexpensive.

    Factors to be considered while choosing a rug for your home:

    • Size:
    • Size is the foremost factor while choosing a rug for your house. The correct size of the carpet determines a well-designed and structured room. The first doubt that arises is whether you desire a wall rug or looking for the one that covers the smaller area.

    • Right Construction:
    • This pandemic has urged us to stay at home, which allows us to stay with our families and work at our convenience. But on the other hand, we tend to continue unmotivated until there is no designated place to finish our work without any disturbance. So there should be a rug of the right construction type making your workspace even more inviting and attractive. That is why many offices have rugs of low profile as these are ideal for furniture movement. Short pile rugs are perfect for chairs, desks, and cabinets. Further, always use excellent and high-quality rugs for durability. If you have a less budget, then go for Kelim rugs.

    • Colour:
    • When planning to decorate your home office with the rug, consider the basic thumb rule you would do for the rest of your home. Observe the existing colours in your room, and then start to select the colour for your rug. Choosing a colour that blends into your room is the best option. A slid colour rug will be ideal even if you have any furniture or upholstery in your room. But if your home office has solid furniture, then going for the bright and lively area rug would be best.

    • Rug for business:
    • There is a lot of difference when choosing a carpet for a business and a home. Yes, home rugs are chosen with the heart, but selecting the carpet for business should give the customer that great feeling when he walks in. Practically the business rug will drive more traffic and be prone to dirt and grime; therefore, try to pick the one with rich and dark colours that hide the same and make it look clean and tidy.

    Law offices and many businesses have antique Persian rugs that can bear a good amount of abuse without showing any wear and tear. Antique rugs are called three-generation or iron rugs because they are densely woven and last longer. The rich colour carpets represent the business to be stronger and give a feeling of strength.

    If you still feel confused about picking the right carpet, Babak's Oriental Carpets experts are always there to help you out. Visit us or contact us, and we will assist you in choosing the right rug for your home or business.

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  • Everything you need to know about carpets and rugs

    Posted by Babak Rezwani


    The art of making carpets started when the nomad tribes wanted to protect themselves from cold weather and wanted easily handleable and transportable. The most ancient carpet is the Pazyryk carpet, founded in 1947 from excavations in Siberia. The carpet is around 2500 years old and is presently displayed at the hermitage museum in St.Petersburg, Russia.


    It was winter in a cave somewhere in Europe. And a woman decided to lay skin on the bald cave floor to protect herself from the harsh cold. That is how a rug was invented. Rugs even existed before civilization. Afterwards, it became a story of technology, art, trade and agriculture. 


    In our day-to-day lives, we use so many house decor and utility items without even knowing the function and purpose of that product. Rugs and carpets, nails and screws, wires and cable are few examples with various significance, which are considered the same but surprisingly are not. These are different words with variant meanings and characteristics. Rugs and Carpets are one of the examples which are often used interchangeably and tend to mislead people by assuming both to be one product.

    It is a little tricky and complicated to understand the concept. In general notion carpets and rugs are prominently recognized as two unvaried choices regarding floor coverings. Yes, it is somewhat accurate as carpets, to a greater extent, are ideal for floor coverings. Although the purpose of rugs is also the same, a rug is not entirely identical to carpets. There is a valid reason why we cannot call carpets and rugs synonyms words and cannot use both of them interchangeably. Although the rug and carpet's feel and texture are the same, there is a lot of difference between the two. Knowing the difference in respect to pros and cons is essential when you want to decorate your home.

    The major difference between carpets and rugs is their size. Rugs are used for partial coverings, whereas carpets majorly take up the entire space and are attached to the flooring. Most people do not know the difference between carpets and rugs, making the shopping process difficult. Let us guide you on the significant differences between a rug and carpet.


    A rug will be a more sensible choice if you live in a home with a lot of dirt and grime. Carpets are not easy to wash. And an expensive cleaning machine is required, and professional cleaners add to your cost.


    The installation plays a crucial role in determining the difference between a rug and a carpet. Carpets require professional removal and installation, which involves more cost. Instead, replacing a rug is a cheaper process as it is not fixed to the floor.


    If you want your room to look great, choosing the right flooring plays a significant role. A wooden floor looks great with a rug rather than carpet as it can highlight and add a focal point to space. It provides an extra bold element that is appealing to the third person.

    Carpets and rugs will surely elevate the look and add warmth if you want to decorate your home and enhance the room’s appearance.



    Persian Carpets are considered to be the most evergreen and magnificent of all time. Finest in the quality due to high-quality craftsmanship, Persian carpets are a little costlier as compared to other carpets. Persian carpets are considered the most beautiful, giving an aesthetic appearance to the living room or a hall due to handcraft. If you are looking for affordable Persian carpets, Babak's Oriental Carpets is the best choice.


    If you plan to renovate your house or a new home from scratch, oriental carpets will add warmth and sophistication to any room or living area. A piece of artwork that not only adds elegance but is durable as well.


    Babak's Oriental Carpets has a fantastic collection of Persian and Oriental Carpets. We are located in Victoria, BC, Canada, and since 1994 we have been dedicated to displaying unique hand-knotted carpets to the people of Victoria. Knotted by Nomadic Tribes, all carpets are elegant and beautiful in their way. You will find different varieties from Silk Ghom, Isfahan, Tabriz, Nain, Senneh, Sarough, Yalameh, Balutch, Mussel, Bidjar, Bakhtiar, Ghashgai/Shiraz, Kashan, Ardebil, Abadeh, Gabbeh/Loribaft Gabbeh, Afghan Khal Mohammad, Afghan Chobi Ziegler, Afghan Kazak. Babak's Oriental Carpets is the best place for area carpets and rugs. If you are looking for the best carpet stores, look no further than Babak's Oriental Carpets. Shop beautiful carpets with Babak's Oriental Carpets at https://www.babaksorientalcarpets.com/

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